Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
email: info@tessitori.org
![]() In order to promote Indian culture among a wider public, since its foundation the Società Indologica has organised events both in Italy and India. |
Hic sunt leones![]() On 11 November 2011 was inaugurated in Udine the exhibition Hic sunt leones – Esploratori, geografi e viaggiatori tra Ottocento e Novecento. Dal Friuli alla conoscenza dei Paesi extraeuropei. The exhibition was organized by the Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale. The core of the exhibition was dedicated to the aspect of knowledge, retracing, in chronological order, the most important undertakings involving people from Friuli in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Among the names of geographers, geologists, ethnographers, linguists, biologists and naturalists taking part were Renato Biasutti, Lodovico di Caporiacco, Giovanni Battista De Gasperi, Ardito Desio, Egidio Feruglio, Giuseppe Gentili, Michele Gortani, Giovanni and Olinto Marinelli, Giuseppe Ricchieri and Luigi Pio Tessitori. On 12 April 2012 the meeting L’India di Luigi Pio Tessitori took place in the Sala Ajace of the Municipality of Udine. After addresses of welcome by Furio Honsell, Mayor of Udine, there were speeches by Gianfranco Fiaccadori (University of Milan), Fausto Freschi, (Società Indologica «Luigi Pio Tessitori»), Roberto Micheli (Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici del FVG), and Carlo Tasso (University of Udine). Hic sunt leones exhibition remained open until 15 April 2012. |