Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
The many documents conserved at the «Vincenzo Joppi» Municipal Library in Udine and at the residence of Tessitori’s nephew at Reana del Rojale bear eloquent witness to the activities of the Italian Indological scholar. |
Section IISection II contains the handwritten drafts of a number of works published by Tessitori in the «Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal» and in «Bibliotheca Indica», and transcriptions of manuscripts.The works concerned are the following: Publishing (AP II/1); Kānphaṭā Yogīs in Encyclopaedia of Religion and Ethics (AP II/2); On the Origin of the Perfect Participles in l in the Neo-Indian Vernaculars (AP II/3); Was Dharmadasagani contemporary with Lord Mahavira? (AP II/4); A Scheme for the editing and publishing of the Bardic and Historical Vernacular Literature of Rajputana and Gujarat (AP II/5); Specimen-pages from: «Notes on the Grammar of the Old Western Rājasthānī with special reference to Apabhramśa and to Gujarātī and Mārwāṛī» (AP II/6); A Progress Report on the Preliminary Work done during the year 1915 in connection with the Proposed Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP II/7); A Descriptive Catalogue of Bardic and Historical Manuscripts, sect. I, Prose Chronicles, pt. II: Bikaner state, fasc. I-II (AP II/8/1-3); A Progress Report on the Work done during the year 1917 in connection with the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP II/9/1-2); A Descriptive Catalogue of Bardic and Historical Manuscripts, sect. II: Bardic Poetry, pt. I, Bikaner State, fasc. I-II (AP II/10/1-2); A Progress Report on the Work done during the year 1918 in connection with the Bardic and Historical Survey of Rajputana (AP II/11); Chanda rāu Jaita Sī rau Vīṭhū Sūjai rau kiyau (AP II/12); The Wide Sound of E and O in Mārwāṛī and Gujarātī (AP II/13); Short account of archaeological & epigraphical finds in the Bikaner State (AP II/14). |