Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
email: info@tessitori.org
![]() In order to promote Indian culture among a wider public, since its foundation the Società Indologica has organised events both in Italy and India. |
Tessitori e il Friuli del suo tempo![]() On 18 May 2019 the meeting Luigi Pio Tessitori e il Friuli del suo tempo was held at the Salone d'onore of Palazzo Mantica in Udine. Organized by the Società Filologica Friulana «Graziadio Isaia Ascoli», in collaboration with Società Indologica «Luigi Pio Tessitori» on the occasion of the centenary of Luigi Pio Tessitori's death, the meeting is part of the VI edition of the Week of Friulian Culture. |